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TOP 10 gold producing countries

TOP 10 gold producing countries

The top 10 gold producing countries account for 64% of the total. Until 2006, South Africa was the absolute leader. Now - more than 10 years - champion manufacturer China.


For the 13th year in a row, China has retained its leadership. It accounts for more than 13% of global production. The liberalization of the gold market launched in 2003 helped attract foreign investors, which increased production volumes.

The bulk of the gold is located in underground mines in eastern China. All of them are controlled by the state through the China National Gold Group Corporation (CNGGC). These are more than 450 mines, which give up to 20% of the metal.


Siberia remains the main gold-bearing region, where mining is carried out from primary (more than 100) and alluvial deposits. For many years they have been the world leader. However, their share in the total production is gradually decreasing due to the depletion of deposits. According to forecasts, with an annual production from placers of more than 80 tons, this fund will be exhausted in less than 10 years.


Gold accounts for more than half of Australia's exports, as well as 9.4% (315 tons) of global production.

The country has 5 of the 20 largest gold deposits. My blog


According to the leading financial and analytical publication The Thomson Reuters, the United States has held the fourth place in the ranking for the past few years. Today, mining is carried out in 30 states with the center in Nevada, which provides about 80% of all US gold.

gold producing countries


The state of Ontario and neighboring Quebec are the main gold-mining regions of the country. Canadian mines cannot be called large, but the country is gradually increasing production volumes. How does she do it? First of all, thanks to the discovery of new deposits and the construction of enterprises. In addition, in 2012, Canadian companies topped the list of the most active buyers in the gold mining sector. My articles

At the end of 2018, the volume of gold production and mining in Canada amounted to 193 tons. The Mining Intelligence Center analytical center predicts that until 2023 this figure will grow by 2.7% annually and in 4 years will be 236 tons. It is expected that this will be facilitated by the launch of new projects.


Peru ranks 6th in the world with a production rate of 169 tons. According to a study by the analytical company S&P Global Market Intelligence, gold production in the country has reached its lowest level, since no new deposits have been discovered in the country over the past three years.

Legal gold mining in Peru is carried out by 160 companies. At the same time, 15% of all mined precious metal falls on illegal activities.

South Africa

After the development of the richest deposits, the level of gold production in South Africa is declining from year to year.

In 2006, South Africa lost the lead and continues to decline in the ranking of producers. Now the country ranks 7th with a production volume of 164 tons (according to Thomson Reuters GFMS). Articles

According to official data, there are more than 1,000 mining enterprises in the country. Large gold mines (about 35) are concentrated in two provinces - Gauteng and Free State.

gold producing


The official gold production in Indonesia is 97 tons per year, while another 20 tons are mined illegally annually.

Indonesia has the world's largest gold deposits - Grasberg and Batu Hijau.

Gold production has been declining since 2017 due to tighter environmental controls.


The mining policy of the country is open to foreign miners. According to official figures, there are currently 293 foreign companies operating in Mexico (mostly from Canada and the United States). With the participation of foreign capital, more than 760 projects for the extraction and exploration of precious metals are being implemented!

According to the analytical company Thomson Reuters GFMS, in 2014, 118 tons of gold were mined in the country.

Due to foreign investors, the overall level of metal production shows a positive trend.


Ghana is the largest supplier of gold in Africa. It closes the top ten world leaders in gold mining with a figure of 102 tons. Gold accounts for 95% of all mining revenues in the country.

Ghana's gold mining industry has more than 15 state-owned companies, as well as more than 10 foreign ones. The country's largest gold mine, Tarkwa, is owned by the South African company Gold Fields (90%) and the state (10%).

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